We all enjoyed games and activities in the woods surrounding the camp. This is the dinning hall that overlooks the lake where we ate wonderful food!
We had a wonderful time at Bingle Camp’s Adventure camp this past July 5-11, 2009. There were 18 of us all together who went from Savoonga. My family- Kami, Owen and Logan and I went with the 13 youth, Nick who stayed the rest of the summer as an adult mail counselor and Sivoy who is the Bingle Camp coordinator for Savoonga and our church youth group leader. I, Jacob, was the camp pastor who gave the chapel talks and devotional times. We could see where God was using the camp with its caring counselors to grow the faith of the youth who attended. We thank all the church’s and individuals who contributed money to enable us to travel to and attend Bingle camp near Fairbanks!